Category Archives: Jerome Powell

A Must-Read: Editors’ Introduction to CWL 15, Sections 5 and 6

Serious readers – especially graduate students in economics – must do themselves a huge favor.  They owe it to themselves to read carefully two sections of Frederick G. Lawrence’s Editors’ Introduction of CWL 15,

[CWL 15] Lonergan, Bernard (1999), Macroeconomic Dynamics: An Essay in Circulation Analysis, ed. Frederick G. Lawrence, Patrick H. Byrne, and Charles Hefling, Jr., vol 15 of Collected Works of Bernard Lonergan, (Toronto: University of Toronto Press) [CWL 15]

Section 5: Macroeconomic Dynamic Analysis as a New Paradigm of Economic Theory

Section 6: The Systematic Significance of the Fundamental Distinction Between Basic and Surplus Production and Exchange: A Normative Theory of the Pure Cycle

6.1 Profit

6.2 Interest

6.3 Lonergan’s Critique of ‘Supply-Side’ and Demand-Side’ Economics

Eventual mastery by serious readers of these sections plus the main text will help them secure influential professorships, research grants, board seats and other important advisory positions.  They will have the satisfaction of influencing beneficially those with whom they interact professionally and casually.

Two other key works:

[CWL 21] Lonergan, Bernard (1998), For a New Political Economy, ed. Philip McShane, vol 21 of Collected Works of Bernard Lonergan, (Toronto: University of Toronto Press) [CWL 21]

[CWL 3] Lonergan, Bernard J. F. (1957 ) InsightA Study of Human Understanding, Longmans, Green and Co. Ltd., London; and (1997) Toronto: University of Toronto Press [CWL 3, 1957/1997] 


Elizabeth Warren’s Advice to Jerome Powell; Sentiment Without Intelligence

The Wall Street Journal of 7/25/2022 featured an article by Senator Elizabeth Warren:  “Jerome Powell’s Fed Pursues a Painful and Ineffective Inflation Cure.” Because she lacks an objectivenormative, abstract, explanatory theory and, thus, fails to understand the functional interdependencies constituting the organic economic process, particular arguments in her article are a) sometimes contaminated by psychopolitical wishful opinions, b) often ignorantly one-sided because she is unaware that some policies have double edges, c) sometimes contradictory of her other arguments, and d) in at least one case, supercilious.

E. Warren suffers from the same plight as Thomas Piketty. To satisfy her responsibility to the public, she needs to achieve a scientific understanding of the organic economic process; she needs to get a “grip.”

We are at the heart of Piketty’s plight: he has no clue of the needed grip on the grounds of the inequality in history.  So, what else can he offer but a centralist solution, taxation, to history’s drunken careening. (McShane, Philip, Picketty’s Plight, 53)

In equity (the basic expansion following the surplus expansion) should be directed to raising the standard of living of the whole society.  It does not.  And the reason why it does not is not the reason on which simple-minded moralists insist.  They blame greed.  But the prime cause is ignorance.  The dynamics of surplus and basic expansion, surplus and basic incomes are not understood, not formulated, not taught….. [CWL 15, 82]

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Bootcamp To Educate the House, Senate, Federal Reserve, and Bureau of Economic Analysis, Especially Janet Yellen and Jerome Powell

One Week Bootcamp

Restricted to persons with solid backgrounds in mathematics and the natural sciences


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