Category Archives: Kwasi Kwarteng

U.K. Officials Need To Be Enlightened As To Macroeconomic Field Theory

U.K. officials need to spend $38.60 plus shipping for Bernard Lonergan’s “Macroeconomic Dynamics:  An Essay In Circulation Analysis.”  To satisfy their obligation to the U.K. public, they must read, understand, and thus gain enlightenment from Macroeconomic Field Theory as to how the dynamic system of production, finance, and exchange actually works. What are its norms and what practical precepts does the explanation of the dynamic organic process yield to free people?

Also. they need to call a colloquium in which several economists lecture and present scholarly technical papers on Macroeconomic Field Theory to help all government officials understand their nation’s present problems, past mistakes, and future solutions.

U.S. officials at the Fed. the Treasury, and Congress should seek the same enlightenment; and bankers, money managers, and financial talk-show hosts should do the same. (Click here and here)



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