Category Archives: Establishment Economics

Regarding Authenticity in Doing Macroeconomics

There follows a paraphrase of a brief passage written by Lonergan in [Dunne and Laporte, 1978, pp. 76-78]

… divers men can ask themselves whether or not they are genuinescientists of explanatory macroeconomics.  They may answer that they are, and their answers may be correct.  But it can also happen that they answer affirmatively and none the less are mistaken. In that case there will be a series of points in which what they are coincides with what the ideals of the tradition demand.  But there wil also be another series marked by a greater or less divergence.  These points of divergence tend to be overlooked.  Whether from a selective inattention, or a failure to understand, or an undetected rationalization, the divergence exists.  What I am is one thing, what a genuine scientist is is another, and I am unaware of the difference.  My unawareness is unexpressed.  Indeed, I have no language to express what I really am, so I use the language of the tradition I unauthentically appropriate, and thereby I devaluate, distort, water down, corrupt that language. Continue reading

A Scientific Normative Alternative Between Laissez-Faire Running Amok and Totalitarianism Featuring Controlled Media, Firm Indoctrination, the Threat of Labor Camps, and Servile Degeneracy

Frederick Lawrence (Boston College) is a co-editor of Bernard Lonergan’s Macroeconomic Dynamics: An Essay in Circulation Analysis. (CWL 15)   Fred penned the Editors’ Introduction to that book. (Click here.) He also wrote an article entitled “Between Capitalism and Marxism: Introducing Lonergan’s Economics”.  Perspicacious economists in academe, government, and banking will benefit greatly from an immediate reading.  For access to the article now, please use the following simple path:

In your main search bar, enter JSTOR and press your Enter key.

Then, in the upper left, Click into the box “Search journals, books, images, and primary sources“.

Then, type into that box 40338243 and press your Enter key. That’ll do it. Continue reading

The Notion of Organic Unity; Macroeconomic Field theory as a Unified, Systematic Whole

.1. Introduction

Lonergan’s treatment of the intelligibility of the plane circle provides to us a clue.  In the basic insight defining the plane circle, – that all radii are equal – all the interrelated concepts tumble out together in an intelligible unity.  The all-together intelligibility points to a template for explanation in the macroeconomic field; it fore-casts a singular unified intelligibility of the dynamic, organic economic process.  In the sweeping comprehensive act of understanding, all the abstract explanatory conjugates explaining the dynamic economic process are “yoked” together by their functional relations to one another.  The interdependencies of the flows which constitute the whole dynamic system are grasped in a solidary whole.  And the patterns of the formulation are isomorphic with the patterns in the objective, unitary economic process.  The principle of unity and wholeness is a single, comprehensive intelligibility. (Continue reading)

Pointers Regarding Interest Rates and Inflation; The Delusion in Manipulation of Interest Rates

We encourage the reader to consult the following entries.

The Ineptitudes in Central Bank Operations

John H. Cochrane’s Article in the Wall Street Journal, Thursday 8/25/2022

Facing Facts: The Ideal of Constant Value of the Currency vs. the Fact of Inflation

The Road Up is The Road Down; the Mechanism of rising and Falling Prices

Stagflation Demystified

Paul Romer’s “Endogenous Technological Change” in Bernard Lonergan’s Framework

Here are a few brief selections from the above treatments:

Traditional theory looked to shifting interest rates to provide suitable adjustment.  In the main we shall be concerned with factors that are prior to changing interest rates and more effective. [CWL 15, 133) Continue reading

Concomitance and Credit;  A New Paradigm for the Federal Reserve Bank; Functional Macroeconomic Dynamics Drives Establishment Economics into the Shadows

The macroeconomics textbooks feature three key macrostatic models, all three of which are sublated by the purely relational field theory called Functional Macroeconomic Dynamics.  The textbooks’ three featured graphs are two momentary intersections of supply and demand curves plus the Phillips Curve correlation of unemployment and interest rates:

  1. the intersection of the supply and demand curves at a certain price of goods and services (the macrostatic AD-AS model),  
  2. the intersection of the supply and demand curves at a certain interest-rate, rental-price of money (the macrostatic IS-LM model),  plus,
  3. the now-debunked Phillips Curve correlation of unemployment and interest rates.

The key elements grounding the discovery and formulation of the immanent, field-theoretic intelligibility of the organic, unified, whole economic system include: (Continue reading)

Alan S. Blinder re Transitory But Not Permanent

… the prime cause (whether it be of inequity or inflation) is ignorance.  The dynamics … are not understood, not formulated, not taught….. [CWL 15, 82]

man as external agent has not the systematic guidance he needs to operate successfully the machine he controls. [CWL 21, 109]

Academia’s failure threatens economic liberty.

Lonergan realized that failure to understand correctly what is needed if the economic process is to perform well is gravely threatening to democratic liberty.  That is why he undertook his serious study of economics. [CWL 15 Editors’ Introduction, xxx] Continue reading

An Einsteinian Relativistic Context: Space and Time Become Space-Time; Price and Quantity become Price-Quantity; An Abstract Set of Invariant Explanatory Relations


  • .I. Relations and Relativity in General
  • .II. Einstein’s Special Relativity and General Relativity
  • .III Lonergan’s Double-Circuited, Pretio-Quantital Relativity Theory
  • .IV. The Basic Price Spread; The Co-ordinated Relativity of Three Major Pretio-Quantital Flows and the Co-operative Relations Within Each Major Flow
  • .V. The Macroeconomic Field Theory Equations
  • .VI. Concerning Verification
  • .VII. Miscellaneous Selections
  • .VIII. Conclusion

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Senator Tom Cotton’s Article in The Wall Street Journal (12/2/2021)

In the Wall Street Journal of Thursday, 12/2/2021, Senator Tom Cotton had an article entitled ‘No’ on Jerome Powell at the Fed. Senator Cotton was correct regarding a) the possibility of worst-case and less-catastrophic scenarios of inflation, b) the possibility of inflation wiping out wage gains, and c) that the result of the Fed’s policies is to boost prices in both the basic consumables (point-to-point) circuit and in the Redistribution Function’s secondary stock and bond markets.

Senator Cotton, as always, is to be admired for his courage; but he and all in government and the private sector must learn the principles and laws of how the objective economic process actually works.  A lot depends on a knowledgable government acting in the best interests of the entire populace of free people. Some would say it’s a matter of the survival of human liberty.

As we’ve quoted many times, both inflation and deflation are swindles. (Click here and here and here and here) Continue reading

Understanding The Whole Organic System; Purely Intelligible Relations Among Explanatory Terms

The human mind seeks understanding of the whole.

For the human mind is such that it does not wonder about things just individually but, understanding individual elements, goes on to ask how they are connected with one another. [CWL 12, 17]

Lonergan was seeking the explanatory intelligibility underlying the ever-fluctuating rhythms of economic functioning.  To that end he worked out a set of terms and relations that ‘implicitly defined’ that intelligible pattern. [CWL 15, 179-80]

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