Category Archives: Albert Einstein

The Lack of Ultimacy in Price Theory: Prices are Last in the Analysis and Purely Relative


.1. Preliminaries and preview

.2. Functional Macroeconomic Dynamics is a normative theory

.3. Microeconomics vs. Macroeconomics

.4. The normative systematics of prices is last in the analysis – We are doing neither introductory microeconomics nor aggregate microeconomics

4.a Preliminaries

4.b CWL 3, Chapter II: Excerpts and Paraphrases Relevant to Empirical Science and Macroeconomics

4.c Reference to other treatments

4.d Prices are treated in several contexts in CWL 15


4.f The INTELLIGIBILITY OF PRICES as real and relative.

4.g “Absorbing several trillion Dollars of Free Money”

4.h Miscellanea

4.i The Concrete Intelligibility of Space, Time, Quantity, and Price

4.j The Abstract Intelligibility of Space and Time

.5. Monetary stability -correlation and concomitance of magnitudes and frequencies with magnitudes and frequencies

.6. Lonergan’s three assumptions in treatment of pure expansion

.7. Inflation due to scarcity or to mistaken anticipations – instances of inflation

.8. Divergences of particular flows and the requirement of systematic correction

.9. Miscellanea

.10. CWL 15, Section 28 spreadsheet

.11. Appendix: Indexes of textbooks re prices

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CWL 3, Chapter II: Excerpts and Paraphrases Relevant to Empirical Science and to the Science of Functional Macroeconomic Dynamics

CWL 3, Chapter II:  “Heuristic Structure of Empirical Method”


This entry focuses on a) the general form of explanatory classical science, and b) on scientific explanation vs. non-explanatory common sense. It is constituted largely by excerpts and paraphrases relevant to empirical science, and therefore, also to what constitutes the empirical science of macroeconomics. Though we are herein confined to excerpts and commentary, we recommend strongly that the serious self-educating student read CWL 3, Chapter II, in its entirety.

[CWL 3] Lonergan, Bernard J. F. (1957 ) InsightA Study of Human UnderstandingLongmans, Green and Co. Ltd., London; and (1997) Toronto: University of Toronto Press [CWL 3, 1957 edition/1997 edition] 

First, here are eight introductory pointers:

.1) Empirical inquiry has been conceived as a process from description to explanation.  We begin from things as related to our senses.  We end with things as related to one another.  Initial classifications are based upon sensible similarities.  But as correlations, laws, theories, systems are developed, initial classifications undergo a revision. Sensible similarity has ceased to be significant, and definitions consist of technical terms that have been invented as a consequence of scientific advance…. The basic notions of physics are a mass that is distinct from weight, a temperature that differs from the intensity of the feeling of heat, and the electromagnetic vector fields.¶ Now the principal technique in effecting the trqnsition from description to explanation is measurement. We move away from colours as seen, sounds as heard, from heat and pressure as felt. In their place, we determine the numbers named measurements. In virtue of this substitution, we are able to turn from the relations of sensible terms, which are correlative to our senses, to the relations of numbers, which are correlative to one another.  Such is the fundamental significance and function of measurement. (CWL 3, 164-5)

.2) Our direct understanding abstracts from the empirical residue. (CWL 3, 516/540)

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An Einsteinian Relativistic Context: Space and Time Become Space-Time; Price and Quantity become Price-Quantity; An Abstract Set of Invariant Explanatory Relations


.I. Relations and Relativity in General

.II. Einstein’s Special Relativity and General Relativity

.III Lonergan’s Double-Circuited, Pretio-Quantital Relativity Theory

.IV. The Basic Price Spread; The Co-ordinated Relativity of Three Major Pretio-Quantital Flows and the Co-operative Relations Within Each Major Flow

.V. The Macroeconomic Field Theory Equations

.VI. Concerning Verification

.VII. Miscellaneous Selections

.VIII. Conclusion

  Click here.

The Einsteinian Context: Curvature and Relativity

Albert Einstein, Steven Weinberg, Lillian Lieber, Douglas Giancoli, Raymond A. Serway, Bernard Lonergan, Philip McShane, Peter Burley,

.1. Introductory

Graduate students seeking a thesis topic may expand this treatment of the Einsteinian context of Functional Macroeconomic Dynamics.  It should be of special interest to those having a strong background in theoretical physics and, thus, able to appreciate the analogies from physics.  “Similars are similarly understood.” (CWL 3, 288/313)

Philip McShane alerted us to the resemblances between Lonergan’s context of general macroeconomic dynamics and Einstein’s context of general relativity.

(Part Two entitled Fragments) belongs almost entirely in what I call the Einsteinian context of Part Three, in contrast to the Newtonian achievement of Part One; … [CWL 21, Index, 325]

A new science has emerged.  Lonergan has elevated conventional macrostatics to a macrodynamics explaining economic accelerations. (Continue reading)

Connecting the Notions of “Concomitance,” “Solidarity,” “Implicit Definition,” “Functional Relations,” and “Unification”

Concomitance is, I would claim, the key word in Lonergan’s economic thinking. (Philip McShane, Fusion 1, p. 4, ftnt 10)

“Concomitance,”solidarity,” “implicit definition,” “functional interdependence,” and “unification” are the key principles foundational to the equation(s) providing the scientific general explanation of the organic economic process. Proper adherence to the principles ensures a unification of all explanatory conjugates and relations of the unitary system. The patterns in the terms and relations of the explanatory equation(s) would be isomorphic with the actual patterns constituting the process of velocitous (dynamic) production and exchange. (Also click here)

Consider the theoretical significance and, thus, the explanatory significance of the following:

There is a sense in which one may speak of the fraction of basic outlay that moves to basic income as the “costs” of basic production. … the greater the fraction that basic income is of total income (or total outlay), the less the remainder which constitutes the aggregate possibility of profit.  But what limits profit may be termed costs.  Hence we propose ….to speak of c’O’ and c”O” as costs of production, having warned the reader that the costs in question are aggregate and functional costs…. [CWL 15 156-57]  

Thus, we have basic Outlays-Incomes, c’O’ +c”O” = I’, explanatorily conjugate with – i.e. functionally related tobasic expenditures, E’ = P’Q’, which are implicitly defined in the following implicit equation: 

P’Q’ = p’a’Q’ + p”a”Q”  [CWL 15,156-62].

As was pointed out regarding Einstein’s general relativity equation – Gab = 8πTabin our treatment The Einsteinian Context: Curvature and Relativity (click here and here): Continue reading

Just Thinkin’

On this website, we attempt to concentrate our efforts on only the pure systematics and dynamics of Bernard Lonergan’s Functional Macroeconomic Dynamics.  That is, we treat only the formal cause or immanent intelligibility of the pure science of Functional Macroeconomic Dynamics. Without knowledge of the pure science, applied science, which is concerned to treat human efficient causality, is in the dark. Fed, Treasury, BEA, NBER, CBO, university professors, financial analysts, and corporate strategists please take note!

It would be beneficial to Niall Ferguson and to the readers of his descriptive history, The Ascent of Money, were a macroeconomist to select an episode and, rather than describe the event, explain it using the tightly knit explanatory conjugates and relations of Lonergan’s Functional Macroeconomic Dynamics.  A scientific analysis would provide both greater clarification and explanation in Ferguson’s work, and further cumulative verification of Lonergan’s hypothesis-become-theory. A similar recommendation would apply to Ray Dalio to assign and supervise an in-house economist to clarify and deepen Dalio’s excellent catalog of historical financial blunders., Also  James Mackintosh of the Wall Street Journal could take the same course to make even better his “Streetwise” articles. Mackintosh might also enjoy reading Lonergan’s seminal Insight: A Study of Human Understanding, called by P. McShane “the most significant book of the twentieth century.”

For both graduate students of macroeconomics and their professors, the understanding and implementation of Functional Macroeconomic Dynamics, AKA Macroeconomic Field theory, could provide the basis of a happy and rewarding career.

Einstein said in connection with Special Relativity Theory, Everything is relativeLonergan said regarding macroeconomic dynamics, The analysis is functional and purely relational. In normative Monetary Field Theory all velocitous and accelerative flows of products and payments are connected in a purely-relational, unitary, coherent system.  And coherence means that all the explanatory conjugates and equations “hang together in a single unified theory.”

On one hand, in Centesimus Annus we affirm and emphasize the freedoms of the person, including the right to own what the person crafts, and we emphasize the dignity of the person.  On the other hand, we note in the totalitarian system of government:

 As healing can have no truck with hatred, so too it can have no truck with materialism.  For the healer is essentially a reformer; first and foremost he counts on what is best in man.  But the materialist is condemned by his own principles to be no more that a manipulator.  He will apply to human beings the stick-and-carrot treatment that the Harvard behaviorist B.F. Skinner advocates under the name reinforcement.  He will maintain with Marx that cultural attitudes are the byproduct  of material conditions, and so he will bestow upon those subjected to communist power the salutary conditions of a closed frontier, clear and firm indoctrination, controlled media of information, a vigilant secret police, and the terrifying threat of labor camps. [CWL 15, 104] (A Gathering of Entries re Marxism) Click here)

Einstein would characterize Faraday’s and Maxwell’s electromagnetic theory as the “greatest alteration … in our conception of the structure of reality since the foundation of theoretical physics by Newton.” (quoted in Hirshfeld, 2006, p. 212) Perhaps we might say something comparable about Lonergan’s macroeconomics, gnoseology, and theology.

It’s unfortunate that people can’t rise above instinctual political and ethnic tribalism and us-against-them mentalities to higher-level principles of right rather than wrong, good rather than evil, truth rather than falsity, love rather than hate.

Let desperate, intellectually and personally weak individuals gain unmerited power and glory and many of them will do whatever they perceive necessary to hold onto that power and glory.  They will deceive even themselves.  They will develop a god-complex and come to consider their twisted inclinations and shallow hunches the supreme truth. For those many, no lie will be too big; and no giveaway to buy votes will be too profligate or damaging to the public welfare and the good of order.  So, we ask, Do our empowering systems of politics and communication – executive, legislative, judicial, deep-state, academic, electronic and print – allow the general public to become hostage to weak, shallow, deceitful, power-holding individuals?

How many socioeconomic problems are primarily cultural problems, with clueless leaders throwing more and more money in vain at what are basically problems of culture and its ethos? A president or prime minister or chancellor must not confuse cultural problems with economic problems.  A vast educational effort is called for.

A Must-Read: Fred Lawrence, “Money, Institutions, And The Human Good”: An Ordered Perspective Distinguishing Social and Monetary Values.

when a limited liability company has served its day, it goes to bankruptcy court; but when bureaucrats take over power, they intend to stay. … when the pressure of terrorism is needed to oil the wheels of enterprise, then the immediate effect is either an explosion or else servile degeneracy. (CWL 15, Editors’ Introduction xxxiv) Continue reading

Two Summaries in Functional Macroeconomic Dynamics

.I.   Summary of the Analysis:  Heuristic, Observations, and Discoveries

.II.  Summary of the Argument (verbatim from CWL 15, 5-6)

.III. Supplement to the Summaries

(Continue Reading)

A System is Developed: The Achievements of Euclid, Newton, Einstein, Mendeleev, and Lonergan

Lonergan’s achievement – like the achievements of Euclid, Newton, and Einsteinwas “to bring together many scattered theorems by setting up a unitary basis that would handle all of them and a great number of others as well.”  Note in the excerpts below these phrases

  • a field of greater generality
  • an enlarged and radically different field
  • scientific generalization
  • (analytical) level of system
  • organized system
  • one single organized subject
  • a determinate systematic structure
  • a determinate field
  • a single explanatory unity
  • ultimate premises
  • the stability of the sets and patterns of dynamic relationships


Generalization comes with Newton, who attacked the general theory of motion, laid down its pure theory, identified Kepler’s and Galileo’s laws by inventing the calculus, and so found himself in a position to account for any corporeal motion known.  Aristotle, Ptolemy, Copernicus, Galilei, and Kepler had all been busy with particular classes of moving bodies.  Newton dealt in the same way with all.  He did so by turning to a field of greater generality, the laws of motion, and by finding a deeper unity in the apparent disparateness of Kepler’s ellipse and Galilei’s time squared. … Similarly the non-Euclidean geometers and Einstein went beyond Euclid and Newton. … The non-Euclideans moved geometry back to premises more remote than Euclid’s axioms, they developed methods of their own quite unlike Euclid’s, and though they did not impugn Euclid’s theorems, neither were they very interested in them; casually and incidentally they turn them up as particular cases in an enlarged and radically different field. … Einstein went beyond Newton by employing the new geometries to make time an independent variable; and as Newton transformed the formulation and interpretation of Kepler’s laws, so Einstein transforms the Newtonian laws of motion. … It is, we believe, a scientific generalization of the old political economy and of modern economics that will yield the new political economy which we need. … Plainly the way out is through a more general field. [CWL 21, 6-7] Continue reading

A Philip McShane Sampler Relevant to Functional Macroeconomic Dynamics

Philip McShane had a strong background in mathematics and theoretical physics; thus he was able to understand the scientific significance of Bernard Lonergan’s macroeconomic field theory in an Einsteinian context. (See Philip McShane in Categories in the right sidebar)

First we display, in brief, key excerpts, many of which contain analogies from physics and chemistry, relevant to the science of Functional Macroeconomic Dynamics; then we show the same excerpts more fully within lengthier quotes. Continue reading

The Notion of Organic Unity; Macroeconomic Field theory as a Unified, Systematic Whole

.1. Introduction

Lonergan’s treatment of the intelligibility of the plane circle provides to us a clue.  In the basic insight defining the plane circle, – that all radii are equal – all the interrelated concepts tumble out together in an intelligible unity.  The all-together intelligibility points to a template for explanation in the macroeconomic field; it fore-casts a singular unified intelligibility of the dynamic, organic economic process.  In the sweeping comprehensive act of understanding, all the abstract explanatory conjugates explaining the dynamic economic process are “yoked” together by their functional relations to one another.  The interdependencies of the flows which constitute the whole dynamic system are grasped in a solidary whole.  And the patterns of the formulation are isomorphic with the patterns in the objective, unitary economic process.  The principle of unity and wholeness is a single, comprehensive intelligibility. (Continue reading)