Back Cover of “Macroeconomic Dynamics: An Essay in Circulation Analysis”

Bernard Lonergan’s economic writings span forty years and represent one of the most important intellectual achievements of the twentieth centuryUnfortunately they have been inaccessible outside of the Lonergan research community, as the majority of them have not been formally published and exist only as a group of unfinished essays and material for courses on economics taught by Lonergan.  The publication of Macroeconomic Dynamics: An Essay in Circulation Analysis, along with its companion volume, For a new Political Economy (Collected Works of Bernard Lonergan, Volume 21) seeks to remedy this by bringing together various elements of Lonergan’s economic thought.

Lonergan’s concept of economics differs radically from that of contemporary economists and represents a major paradigm shiftMacroeconomic Dynamics expresses the economic thought of Lonergan at the end of his career.  This volume offers a fresh look at fundamental variables and breaks from centralist theory and practice, providing a uniquely democratic perspective …

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